Results for 'Christopher Paul Menzel'

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  1.  51
    Enrolling in Clinical Research While Incarcerated: What Influences Participants’ Decisions?Paul P. Christopher, Lorena G. Garcia-Sampson, Michael Stein, Jennifer Johnson, Josiah Rich & Charles Lidz - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (2):21-29.
    As a 2006 Institute of Medicine report highlights, surprisingly little empirical attention has been paid to how prisoners arrive at decisions to participate in modern research. With our study, we aimed to fill this gap by identifying a more comprehensive range of factors as reported by prisoners themselves during semistructured interviews. Our participants described a diverse range of motives, both favoring and opposing their eventual decision to join. Many are well-recognized considerations among nonincarcerated clinical research participants, including a desire for (...)
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    Präsenz und implizites Wissen: zur Interdependenz zweier Schlüsselbegriffe der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften.Christoph Ernst, Heike Paul, Katharina Gerund & David Kaldewey (eds.) - 2013 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Long description: Präsenz - definiert als zeitliche und räumliche Gegenwart und Unmittelbarkeit - steht in einem Begründungszusammenhang mit implizitem Wissen. Innerhalb der Forschungsdiskussion um Präsenz etabliert der Band einen neuartigen Ansatz, indem er verschiedene Diskursivierungen von Präsenz in Religion, Kunst, Politik, Medien sowie Populärkultur aus dieser Interdependenz heraus zugänglich macht. Die Beiträge verfolgen dabei eine kulturvergleichende Perspektive, die speziell auf die Klärung der Kulturspezifik von Präsenzkonzepten abzielt und neue Möglichkeiten zur Analyse eines bisher wenig beachteten Themas eröffnet.
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    Humanitarian Interventions and the Limits of Sovereignty.Paul Christopher - 1996 - Public Affairs Quarterly 10 (2):103-119.
  4.  9
    Quantitative Assessment of Retationship Theme Components.Paul Crits-Christoph & Amy Demorest - 1988 - In Mardi J. Horowitz, Psychodynamics and Cognition. University of Chicago Press. pp. 197.
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  5. The operation(s) of abolitionist care : healing, care ethics, and the movement for Black lives.Christopher Paul Harris - 2024 - In Sophie Bourgault, Maggie Fitzgerald & Fiona Robinson, Decentering epistemologies and challenging privilege: critical care ethics perspectives. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
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  6. Permission to believe: Descriptive and prescriptive beliefs in the Clifford/James debate.Christopher Paul Lawrence - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Cape Town
    This thesis modifies the wording of William Clifford’s 1877 evidence principle (that ‘it is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence’) to propose an explicitly moral principle, restricted to descriptive beliefs (about what is or is not the case) and excluding prescriptive beliefs (about what ought or ought not to be the case). It considers potential counter-examples, particularly William James’s 1896 defence of religious belief; and concludes that the modified principle survives unscathed. It then searches (...)
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    Psychiatric Hospitalization—Bridging the Gap Between Respect and Control.Paul P. Christopher - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (1):29-34.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Psychiatric Hospitalization—Bridging the Gap Between Respect and ControlPaul P. ChristopherIntroductionThis issue of Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics offers varied and somewhat unique perspectives on the experience of psychiatric hospitalization. This commentary highlights a number of salient themes that emerge from reading these essays and attempts to explore how they relate to the broader academic literature on psychiatric hospitalization, particularly with regard to ethical considerations. In reading these narratives, each several (...)
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    Repressive style and relationship patterns—three samples inspected.Lester Luborsky, Paul Crits-Christoph & Keith J. Alexander - 1990 - In Jerome L. Singer, Repression and Dissociation: Implications for Personality Theory, Psychopathology and Health. University of Chicago Press. pp. 275--298.
  9.  28
    Implications of organizational learning for nursing managers from the cultural, interpersonal and systems thinking perspectives.Christopher-Paul C. A. Chan - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (3):196-199.
  10.  67
    An exploratory study of therapeutic misconception among incarcerated clinical trial participants.Paul P. Christopher, Michael D. Stein, Sandra A. Springer, Josiah D. Rich, Jennifer E. Johnson & Charles W. Lidz - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (1):24-30.
    Background: Therapeutic misconception, the misunderstanding of differences between research and clinical care, is widely prevalent among non-incarcerated trial participants. However, little attention has been paid to its presence among individuals who participate in research while incarcerated. Methods: This study examined the extent to which 72 incarcerated individuals may experience therapeutic misconception about their participation in one of six clinical trials, and its correlation with participant characteristics and potential influences on research participation. Results: On average, participants endorsed 70% of items suggestive (...)
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    Financial Payments for Participating in Research while Incarcerated: Attitudes of Prisoners.Ravi Divya, Paul P. Christopher, Eliza J. Filene, Sarah Ailleen Reifeis & Becky L. White - 2018 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 40 (6):1-6.
    The practice of paying prisoners to for their participation in research has long been debated, and the controversy is reflected in the differing policies in the U.S. prison systems. Empirical study of financial payments to inmates who enroll in research has focused on whether this practice is coercive. In this study, we examined whether monetary incentives have the potential to be unduly influential among fifty HIV‐positive prisoners. The majority of prisoners surveyed believed that inmates should receive some compensation for their (...)
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    The politics of care.Deva Woodly, Rachel H. Brown, Mara Marin, Shatema Threadcraft, Christopher Paul Harris, Jasmine Syedullah & Miriam Ticktin - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (4):890-925.
    Editors Rachel Brown and Deva Woodly bring together Mara Marin, Shatema Threadcraft, Christopher Paul Harris, Jasmine Syedullah, and Miriam Ticktin to examine the question: what would be required for care to be an ethic and political practice that orients people to a new way of living, relating, and governing? The answer they propose is that a 21st-century approach to the politics of care must aim at unmaking racial capitalism, cisheteropatriarchy, the carceral state, and the colonial present. The politics (...)
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  13. Pure Logic and Higher-order Metaphysics.Christopher Menzel - 2024 - In Peter Fritz & Nicholas K. Jones, Higher-Order Metaphysics. Oxford University Press.
    W. V. Quine famously defended two theses that have fallen rather dramatically out of fashion. The first is that intensions are “creatures of darkness” that ultimately have no place in respectable philosophical circles, owing primarily to their lack of rigorous identity conditions. However, although he was thoroughly familiar with Carnap’s foundational studies in what would become known as possible world semantics, it likely wouldn’t yet have been apparent to Quine that he was fighting a losing battle against intensions, due in (...)
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  14. In Defense of the Possibilism–Actualism Distinction.Christopher Menzel - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (7):1971-1997.
    In Modal Logic as Metaphysics, Timothy Williamson claims that the possibilism-actualism (P-A) distinction is badly muddled. In its place, he introduces a necessitism-contingentism (N-C) distinction that he claims is free of the confusions that purportedly plague the P-A distinction. In this paper I argue first that the P-A distinction, properly understood, is historically well-grounded and entirely coherent. I then look at the two arguments Williamson levels at the P-A distinction and find them wanting and show, moreover, that, when the N-C (...)
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  15. Possible Worlds.Christopher Menzel - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This article includes a basic overview of possible world semantics and a relatively comprehensive overview of three central philosophical conceptions of possible worlds: Concretism (represented chiefly by Lewis), Abstractionism (represented chiefly by Plantinga), and Combinatorialism (represented chiefly by Armstrong).
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  16. Wide Sets, ZFCU, and the Iterative Conception.Christopher Menzel - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy 111 (2):57-83.
    The iterative conception of set is typically considered to provide the intuitive underpinnings for ZFCU (ZFC+Urelements). It is an easy theorem of ZFCU that all sets have a definite cardinality. But the iterative conception seems to be entirely consistent with the existence of “wide” sets, sets (of, in particular, urelements) that are larger than any cardinal. This paper diagnoses the source of the apparent disconnect here and proposes modifications of the Replacement and Powerset axioms so as to allow for the (...)
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  17.  36
    (1 other version)Structuralism and Conceptual Change in Mathematics.Christopher Menzel - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:397 - 401.
    I address Grosholz's critique of Resnik's mathematical structuralism and suggest that although Resnik's structuralism is not without its difficulties it survives Grosholz's attacks.
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  18. Sets and worlds again.Christopher Menzel - 2012 - Analysis 72 (2):304-309.
    Bringsjord (1985) argues that the definition W of possible worlds as maximal possible sets of propositions is incoherent. Menzel (1986a) notes that Bringsjord’s argument depends on the Powerset axiom and that the axiom can be reasonably denied. Grim (1986) counters that W can be proved to be incoherent without Powerset. Grim was right. However, the argument he provided is deeply flawed. The purpose of this note is to detail the problems with Grim’s argument and to present a sound alternative (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Actualism.Christopher Menzel - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    To understand the thesis of actualism, consider the following example. Imagine a race of beings — call them ‘Aliens’ — that is very different from any life-form that exists anywhere in the universe; different enough, in fact, that no actually existing thing could have been an Alien, any more than a given gorilla could have been a fruitfly. Now, even though there are no Aliens, it seems intuitively the case that there could have been such things. After all, life might (...)
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  20.  89
    Reference ontologies — application ontologies: Either/or or both/and?Christopher Menzel - 2004 - In Pierre Grenon, Christopher Menzel & Barry Smith, Proceedings of the KI 2003 Workshop on Reference Ontologies and Application Ontologies. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 94.
    The distinction between reference ontologies and application ontologies crept rather unobtrusively into the recent literature on knowledge engineering. A lot of the discourse surrounding this distinction – notably, the one framing the workshop generating this collection of papers – suggests the two types of ontologies are in some sort of opposition to one another. Thus, Borge et al. [3] characterize reference ontologies (more recently, foundational ontologies) as rich, axiomatic theories whose focus is to clarify the intended meanings of terms used (...)
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  21.  54
    A Complete, Type-Free "Second-Order" Logic and its Philosophical Foundations.Christopher Menzel - 1984 - CSLI Publications.
    In this report I motivate and develop a type-free logic with predicate quantifiers within the general ontological framework of properties, relations, and propositions. In Part I, I present the major ideas of the system informally and discuss its philosophical significance, especially with regard to Russell's paradox. In Part II, I prove the soundness, consistency, and completeness of the logic.
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  22. Actualism, Ontological Commitment, and Possible World Semantics.Christopher Menzel - 1990 - Synthese 85 (3):355-389.
    Actualism is the doctrine that the only things there are, that have being in any sense, are the things that actually exist. In particular, actualism eschews possibilism, the doctrine that there are merely possible objects. It is widely held that one cannot both be an actualist and at the same time take possible world semantics seriously — that is, take it as the basis for a genuine theory of truth for modal languages, or look to it for insight into the (...)
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    7 F1eud's T1ansference Template Compared with the Core Conftictuat Retationship Theme (CCRT): lltustrations by the Two Specimen Cases. [REVIEW]Lester Luborsky, Paul Crits-Christoph, Scott H. Friedman, David Mark & Pamela Schaffler - 1988 - In Mardi J. Horowitz, Psychodynamics and Cognition. University of Chicago Press.
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    Advance Directives, Dementia, and Withholding Food and Water by Mouth.Paul T. Menzel & M. Colette Chandler-Cramer - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (3):23-37.
    Competent patients have considerable legal authority to control life‐and‐death care. They may refuse medical life support, including medically delivered food and fluids. Even when they are not in need of any life‐saving care, they may expedite death by refusing food and water by mouth—voluntarily stopping eating and drinking, or VSED. Neither right is limited to terminal illness. In addition, in four U.S. states, competent patients, if terminally ill, may obtain lethal drugs for aid‐in‐dying.For people who have dementia and are no (...)
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  25. The true modal logic.Christopher Menzel - 1991 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 20 (4):331 - 374.
    This paper traces the course of Prior’s struggles with the concepts and phenomena of modality, and the reasoning that led him to his own rather peculiar modal logic Q. I find myself in almost complete agreement with Prior’s intuitions and the arguments that rest upon them. However, I argue that those intuitions do not of themselves lead to Q, but that one must also accept a certain picture of what it is for a proposition to be possible. That picture. though, (...)
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  26. (1 other version)The Argument from Collections.Christopher Menzel - 2018 - In Jerry L. Walls Trent Dougherty, Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God: The Plantinga Project. New York, New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 29-58.
    Very broadly, an argument from collections is an argument that purports to show that our beliefs about sets imply — in some sense — the existence of God. Plantinga (2007) first sketched such an argument in “Two Dozen” and filled it out somewhat in his 2011 monograph Where the Conflict Really Lies: Religion, Science, and Naturalism. In this paper I reconstruct what strikes me as the most plausible version of Plantinga’s argument. While it is a good argument in at least (...)
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  27. The proper treatment of predication in fine-grained intensional logic.Christopher Menzel - 1993 - Philosophical Perspectives 7:61-87.
    In this paper I rehearse two central failings of traditional possible world semantics. I then present a much more robust framework for intensional logic and semantics based liberally on the work of George Bealer in his book Quality and Concept. Certain expressive limitations of Bealer's approach, however, lead me to extend the framework in a particularly natural and useful way. This extension, in turn, brings to light associated limitations of Bealer's account of predication. In response, I develop a more general (...)
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  28. Singular Propositions and Modal Logic.Christopher Menzel - 1993 - Philosophical Topics 21 (2):113-148.
    According to many actualists, propositions, singular propositions in particular, are structurally complex, that is, roughly, (i) they have, in some sense, an internal structure that corresponds rather directly to the syntactic structure of the sentences that express them, and (ii) the metaphysical components, or constituents, of that structure are the semantic values — the meanings — of the corresponding syntactic components of those sentences. Given that reference is "direct", i.e., that the meaning of a name is its denotation, an apparent (...)
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  29. The Fundamental Theorem of World Theory.Christopher Menzel & Edward N. Zalta - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43:333-363.
    The fundamental principle of the theory of possible worlds is that a proposition p is possible if and only if there is a possible world at which p is true. In this paper we present a valid derivation of this principle from a more general theory in which possible worlds are defined rather than taken as primitive. The general theory uses a primitive modality and axiomatizes abstract objects, properties, and propositions. We then show that this general theory has very small (...)
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  30. Problems with the Actualist Account.Christopher Menzel - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  31.  66
    How compatible are liberty and equality in structuring a health care system?Paul T. Menzel - 2003 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 28 (3):281 – 306.
    In their normative role in shaping the basic structure of a health care system, liberty and equality are often thought to conflict so sharply that health policy is condemned to remain an ideological battleground. In this paper, I will articulate my own view of why much of the apparently fundamental conflict between individual liberty and responsibility, on the one hand, and equality and equality's related concern for cost-efficiency, on the other hand, is less intractable than it is usually assumed to (...)
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  32.  14
    The State of the Great Northwest.Paul Menzel - 1992 - Hastings Center Report 22 (3):3-3.
  33.  26
    Advance directives for oral feeding in dementia: a response to Shelton and Geppert.Paul T. Menzel - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (11):766-767.
    In a recent paper in JME, Shelton and Geppert use an approach by Menzel and Chandler-Cramer to sort out ethical dilemmas about the oral feeding of patients in advanced dementia, ultimately arguing that the usefulness of advance directives about such feeding is highly limited. They misunderstand central aspects of Menzel’s and Chandler-Cramer’s approach, and in making their larger claim that such directives are much less useful than typically presumed, they fail to account for five important elements in writing (...)
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  34. Advance Directives, Dementia, and Physician-Assisted Death.Paul T. Menzel & Bonnie Steinbock - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (2):484-500.
    Almost all jurisdictions where physician-assisted death is legal require that the requesting individual be competent to make medical decisions at time of assistance. The requirement of contemporary competence is intended to ensure that PAD is limited to people who really want to die and have the cognitive ability to make a final choice of such enormous import. Along with terminal illness, defined as prognosis of death within six months, contemporary competence is regarded as an important safeguard against mistake and abuse, (...)
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  35. Problems with the Bootstrapping Objection to Theistic Activism.Christopher Menzel - 2016 - American Philosophical Quarterly 53 (1):55-68.
    According to traditional theism, God alone exists a se, independent of all other things, and all other things exist ab alio, i.e., God both creates them and sustains them in existence. On the face of it, divine "aseity" is inconsistent with classical Platonism, i.e., the view that there are objectively existing, abstract objects. For according to the classical Platonist, at least some abstract entities are wholly uncreated, necessary beings and, hence, as such, they also exist a se. The thesis of (...)
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  36. The Possibilism-Actualism Debate.Christopher Menzel - 2022 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Actualism is a widely-held view in the metaphysics of modality that arises in response to the thesis of possibilism, the doctrine that, in addition to the things that actually exist — in particular, things that exist alongside us in the causal order — there are merely possible things as well, things that, in fact, fail to be actual but which could have been. The central motivation for possibilism is to explain what it is about reality that grounds such intuitively true (...)
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  37. On the iterative explanation of the paradoxes.Christopher Menzel - 1986 - Philosophical Studies 49 (1):37 - 61.
    As the story goes, the source of the paradoxes of naive set theory lies in a conflation of two distinct conceptions of set: the so-called iterative, or mathematical, conception, and the Fregean, or logical, conception. While the latter conception is provably inconsistent, the former, as Godel notes, "has never led to any antinomy whatsoever". More important, the iterative conception explains the paradoxes by showing precisely where the Fregean conception goes wrong by enabling us to distinguish between sets and proper classes, (...)
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  38. Determining the Value of Life.Paul Menzel - 2005 - Free Inquiry 25.
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  39. On Set Theoretic Possible Worlds.Christopher Menzel - 1986 - Analysis 46 (2):68 - 72.
    In his paper "Are There Set Theoretic Possible Worlds?", Selmer Bringsjord argued that the set theoretic definition of possible worlds proffered by, among others, Robert Adams and Alvin Plantinga is incoherent. It is the purpose of this note to evaluate that argument. The upshot: these set theoretic accounts can be preserved, but only by abandoning the power set axiom.
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    AEDs are problematic, but Mrs A is a misleading case.Paul T. Menzel - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (2):90-91.
    The case of Mrs A is a provocative example of euthanasia by advance directive to avoid increasingly severe dementia. It is also a ‘perfect storm’ of a disturbing case, revealing both the challenges that can arise with advance euthanasia directives generally and particular issues in the Dutch procedures. Kim, Miller and Dresser have done a distinct service to bioethics in detailing the case, in explaining the basis of the regional euthanasia review committee reprimand of the administering geriatrician and in highlighting (...)
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  41. Haecceities and Mathematical Structuralism.Christopher Menzel - 2018 - Philosophia Mathematica 26 (1):84-111.
    Recent work in the philosophy of mathematics has suggested that mathematical structuralism is not committed to a strong form of the Identity of Indiscernibles (II). José Bermúdez demurs, and argues that a strong form of II can be warranted on structuralist grounds by countenancing identity properties, or haecceities, as legitimately structural. Typically, structuralists dismiss such properties as obviously non-structural. I will argue to the contrary that haecceities can be viewed as structural but that this concession does not warrant Bermúdez’s version (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Modal set theory.Christopher Menzel - 2018 - In Otávio Bueno & Scott A. Shalkowski, The Routledge Handbook of Modality. New York: Routledge.
    This article presents an overview of the basic philosophical motivations for, and some recent work in, modal set theory.
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  43. Theism, Platonism, and the Metaphysics of Mathematics.Christopher Menzel - 1987 - Faith and Philosophy 4 (4):365-382.
    In a previous paper, Thomas V. Morris and I sketched a view on which abstract objects, in particular, properties, relations, and propositions , are created by God no less than contingent, concrete objects. In this paper r suggest a way of extending this account to cover mathematical objects as well. Drawing on some recent work in logic and metaphysics, I also develop a more detailed account of the structure of PRPs in answer to the paradoxes that arise on a naive (...)
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    (1 other version)Toward a Broader View of Values in Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis of Health.Paul Menzel, Marthe R. Gold, Erik Nord, Jose-Louis Pinto-Prades, Jeff Richardson & Peter Ubel - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (3):7-15.
    By registering different health benefits on a common scale, CEA allows us to assess the relative social importance of different health care interventions and opens the way for the allocation decisions of health care policy. If it is really to be effective, however, CEA must be recalibrated so that it better reflects some of our widely held beliefs about the merits of different kinds of treatment.
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    Justice and Fairness: A Critical Element in U.S. Health System Reform.Paul T. Menzel - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (3):582-597.
    The case for U.S. health system reform aimed at achieving wider insurance coverage in the population and disciplining the growth of costs is fundamentally a moral case, grounded in two principles: (1) a principle of social justice, the Just Sharing of the costs of illness, and (2) a related principle of fairness, the Prevention of Free‐Riding. These principles generate an argument for universal access to basic care when applied to two existing facts: the phenomenon of “market failure” in health insurance (...)
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    Medical Costs, Moral Choices: A Philosophy of Health Care Economics in America.Paul T. Menzel - 1985
  47. Knowledge representation, the World Wide Web, and the evolution of logic.Christopher Menzel - 2011 - Synthese 182 (2):269-295.
    It is almost universally acknowledged that first-order logic (FOL), with its clean, well-understood syntax and semantics, allows for the clear expression of philosophical arguments and ideas. Indeed, an argument or philosophical theory rendered in FOL is perhaps the cleanest example there is of “representing philosophy”. A number of prominent syntactic and semantic properties of FOL reflect metaphysical presuppositions that stem from its Fregean origins, particularly the idea of an inviolable divide between concept and object. These presuppositions, taken at face value, (...)
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  48. Temporal actualism and singular foreknowledge.Christopher Menzel - 1991 - Philosophical Perspectives 5:475-507.
    Suppose we believe that God created the world. Then surely we want it to be the case that he intended, in some sense at least, to create THIS world. Moreover, most theists want to hold that God didn't just guess or hope that the world would take one course or another; rather, he KNEW precisely what was going to take place in the world he planned to create. In particular, of each person P, God knew that P was to exist. (...)
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  49. Are patents an efficient and internationally fair means of funding research & development for new medicines?Paul T. Menzel - 2009 - In Denis Gordon Arnold, Ethics and the Business of Biomedicine. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 62.
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    Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: A Normative Comparison with Refusing Lifesaving Treatment and Advance Directives.Paul T. Menzel - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (4):634-646.
    Refusal of lifesaving treatment, and such refusal by advance directive, are widely recognized as ethically and legally permissible. Voluntarily stopping eating and drinking is not. Ethically and legally, how does VSED compare with these two more established ways for patients to control the end of life? Is it more questionable because with VSED the patient intends to cause her death, or because those who assist it with palliative care could be assisting a suicide?In fact the ethical and legal basis for (...)
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